Free Printable Mezuzah?

Could this too be a product of the tough economy? Lately I have noticed that a lot of people reach our website searching for terms like "free printable mezuzah" or "printable mezuzah scroll". Of course, we don't have any such item to offer because we very much believe that every Jewish home needs to have Kosher Mezuzahs.
I think that what is happening is that people are finding the picture of our Kosher Mezuzah Scroll, printing it out, and using it in place of a real Mezuzah. I am a bit disturbed by this and its not for the reason you think.
I actually would love to offer a free printable Mezuzah scroll! As it is, we hardly make anything off of the Kosher ones. The dollar is really low now and the scrolls are getting more and more expensive. We have to put a whole lot of effort into obtaining scrolls that are truly Kosher at a price that is somewhat affordable (the really good quality scrolls cost around $70). Then we have to put more work into checking each scroll in our workshop to make sure that it is 100% Kosher. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to personally stand behind the product.
If we could offer a free downloadable Mezuzah scroll, we could focus our energy on selling the Mezuzah covers which have a much higher profit margin and don't require nearly as much effort on our part to obtain. But then we would be defeating the primary goal of our website which I started originally as an effort to get Kosher Mezuzahs into the hands of Jewish people all over the world. So you can imagine that I am disturbed to see that people are printing the picture of our Kosher Mezuzah and using it as a Mezuzah scroll.
So today I made a new page that I think will eventually rank quite high in the search engine results when someone searches for things like "printable mezuzah". The page explains briefly why we can't offer such a product and refers the visitor to our Kosher Mezuzah scrolls. It will be interesting to see what happens.
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