5 reasons to have Mezuzahs on every door of your home

1. Bring blessing into your home. 

Throughout the ages Jews have known that having Kosher Mezuzahs on all of one's doors is the key to bringing a special blessing and protection to the home. This is why when anything goes wrong in our home, the first thing we do is take the Mezuzah scrolls to have them checked. In order to gain the full benefit of this Divine blessing, we must make sure we have a kosher Mezuzah on every door which is obligated in one.

2. Show your Jewish pride.

It is one thing to have a little Mezuzah on your front door... but when you have Mezuzahs on all of your doors, it is sure to be a conversation starter with people who visit your home. This is a great way to show your Jewish pride.

3. Educate your children.

Today children are exposed to so many different ideas via television and the internet. In order to make sure to pass on the Jewish heritage to our children, we need to make sure that they have regular reminders that they are Jewish. When a child kisses Mezuzahs as he goes through the doors of his home many times a day, he is constantly reminded that being Jewish is important.

4. Keep up the tradition.

Stop for a second and think about this: For 2,000 years, the Jewish people have been in exile in foreign lands. We have always been a minority and we have been persecuted throughout most of history. If any one of your ancestors over the course of those 2,000 years had decided to give in and assimilate into the majority culture, you would not identify as Jewish today. What kept them Jewish was observing the Mitzvahs of the Torah despite persecution. We who live in a free country should not be the first ones to abandon these traditions!

5. It's a Mitzvah!

Last, and most importantly, it's a Mitzvah. Mitzvah is usually translated as 'good deed', but in actuality, it means 'commandment'. The commandments of the Torah are given for our benefit. When we keep them, it brings a blessing into our life.  There are many commandments in the Torah, and they are all important, but it is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Each Mitzvah has its own unique value. Once it has been performed, the light that it brings into the world can never be taken away.

Perhaps you are not ready to keep all of the Mitzvahs just yet, but having Mezuzahs on every door of your home is a one time expense which is a very good start in the right direction. Think of it as picking the low lying fruit first.

To find out more details about which doors are obligated to have a Mezuzah, read this article:

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